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High School Play(NOT MUSICAL!!!)

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Yesterday I went to see the yearly play they were doing at my school. This year, they did "A Christmas Carol". Weirdly, they changed the character Jacob Marley to Catherine Marley to prevent any feminists from protesting not having a female lead role.

Most of the time, I wouldn't really want to see the yearly play since I can't drive and have to ask my parents, the enormous prices, and my want to just stay home and eat pudding. However, I decided to go this year since my friend from Iraq was playing Scrooge's father AND a caroler! I just couldn't miss the chance of a lifetime seeing my friend from Iraq singing Christmas carols!

So, of course, I went to see the play. Surprisingly, it was actually quite good! They had a new auditorium(on account of renovations) and quite expensive effects. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else remembers going to a play/musical at their high school, college, university, etc.

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